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We are all told, “live your life to the fullest”; I am here to do just that and to introduce you to my poetry which I have entitled EMOETRY as I feel that emotions should be evoked by reading poetry. A little about me:
I work hard, I cannot stand inertia, although it is important to take time out to relax and just be. I am an open book but in many languages. I can be duped but rarely. I am clued in to other people, their agendas, their motives and their modes operandi. I hate bitchiness, from anyone, treat as you want to be treated with respect, with care, with kindness. I am a good friend, but a free spirit. I am strong through experience. I cannot stand injustice, although we are insatiated with it in this world. I go for the underdog rather than the topdog. Some topdogs get where they are through sheer hard work and tenacity, I respect them for that. I keep my own counsel and do not fall into cliques.
I feel deeply, I am sanguine in nature, curious, but am less impressed with the superficial in this world. Simple things really do make you more happy than the transient distractions I have and sometimes still do, as well as many others foolishly aspire to. I love my family, my friends, I appreciate nature, music, art, writing, history, literature, architecture, travelling when I can
I am constantly accutely aware, and look for other people who are the same.