Analysing is Paralysing
For your peace of mind don't you see
Thinking up scenarios from wild imaginations
That conjurs up more intense worry
Than will probably never ever come to be
Remember you are super astute and intelligent
Of that you should have no doubt
So with this affirmation at the forefront of your mind
Believe me every day you can leave niggling worries behind
Live in trust not fear it is the only way to enjoy
Your life which is so abundant
Yet somehow we have not allowed to be carefree
Then we will only be able to envisage the future as fruitful
Not some notion of catastrophy
Or the constant chatter we hear in the mind's errant folly
Nor is it an imagined deadly ploy We are heaven sent of that there is no doubt
So put all those worries we don't really have
Back where they belong in negativity's spider web
For when our time comes to pass
We will do so happily knowing
Our lives were not wasted and circumvented As all the negativity in this world is merely man made invented
So as to control by fear in the stories which abound
Of the non-existent demons from a fabricated hell
We are safe always
All sadness quelled.
Copyright Natasha Anne Kelleher 25th July 2020
Not to be reproduced, copied, broadcast or performed
Without the specific writtwn permission of the writer
