Mrs May Mrs May are we nearing the end of your days
As Prime Minister of our currently flailing and beleaguered UK
The Brexit Deal seems doomed to fail
People businesses and MP's are crying out for another say Brussels refuse to budge or sway on the stipulations of our current deal
Which parliament emphatically and vehemently voted to reject
Not even your own party or the opposition
Have an idea of a compromise which will augur the right effect You promised to listen now yet two long years
Swiftly and deafly passed by
Now you announce in question time that you wish to confer
With MP's at this late hour
To find a viable solution to amend the current unworkable deal
To which the EU have already voiced rejection and a
Dogged determination to never comply their doors are sealed The whole escapade of politics on both sides of the house
Now in utter shambles, and in the world's eyes
This historic folly blatantly obvious there is no doubt
No time for procrastination or any time left to gamble
Incredulous that our leader and ministers alike
Are totally incompetent and oblivious to
Of the imperative need to speed up this turtle like amble The need to lead the negotiations with strength and conviction
Of our powerful position we have always held in the world
To bring the EU dignitaries to heal and contrition
Of their reluctance to waiver from what they expect
Yet it is they who are losing the glue that gels the EU together
Its future is more vulnerable to disbanding
Than our powerful democracy and economy could ever do
Which built over many centuries ironclad in its hold
We are not willing to concede to sending our finances into decline
Just so a party can save its masked political face
It is a sacrilege on an historic and epic scale one which should
Never been given wind to sail When will this madness desist
A new strategy devised with a new leader at the helm
Who is ever hopefully void of political self serving agenda
To conclude this pitiful damning state of affairs
Which we will surely see the consequences and feel painful regret
Saturated Infamy and machiavellian interest
Bereft of regard for our country and its people and its future
Shackled in this monster of a plot
To volcanicic like shake the foundation
Of all that we are desperately struggling to retain
Is it LEAVE or another VOTE to REMAIN
