Dappled Laden Paradise Sky
Seemingly Dabbled and Painted
With Iridescent Water Colours
Mixed Together In Dusk's Disappearing Eye
Transforming Into Night Sky
A Soothing Blanket Creating
A Magic Palette Changes Every Evening
As Each Intangible Day Passes By
Fusing Fading Bowing
Sunlight From The Horizon Of
Northern Hemisphere's Domain
Slipping Down Under
Beyond Another Meridian
To Shed Sun's Rays Again
Into Gentle Ripples Like Sea Flow
Breaking Onto A Welcome
Sugar Shelled Coated Beach
So Pleasing In Our Mind's Eye
Relaxing Us Into Slumber
Until Another Dawn Returns
Relaxing Us Once Again Asunder
Copyright: Natasha Anne Kelleher November 2020
Photo image by Natasha Anne Kelleher November 2020
Not to be copied, broadcast, published or recorded without the
specific written permission of the writer
