Billowing clouds float and amble slowly by
In the dusk's paling red blue sky
Then from the west shimmering speckled startlight sparks
Enter stage left for mankind to revere
In evening's cloak of mystic dark
As if from the wizardry of a magician's alchemist wand
A luminous star show upon a velvet backdrop magically appears
One of the universe's wonderous sights
Arching the earth as if by angel's wings
Nestling and protecting the nature of the world
Inciting astronomers to ponder
Constellations and orbits of the planets
The incredible Milky Way's array of a trillion star's light
Stimulates curiosity of all who choose to gaze
One day man will traverse even further across in intrepid space flight
The mysteries unfolding to us
For our never ending awe and delight
Copyright Natasha Anne Kelleher All Rights Reserved 20th June 2020
