What madness makes males take up arms against their fellow men
Knowing they are someone's husband father son brother uncle
Do they believe in the name of land
That after the killing ends and they are debunked
They will be able to live a life peacefully conscience free
Whether they gain their ground or not
That barbaric bloody war of killing their own
Of which they will never be free
They have danced with the devil
A legacy they will never be able to erase
Feeling insurmountable guilt suffering post traumatic stress
A burden so heavy marring their lives so indelibly
Until they reach old age sick worn haggard
Carrying insurmountable regret a nagging recurring thought
Why was I so determined to hurt my brothers
For a victory so trivial and insane
They will have to face their own judgement
When their life passes away
Since time immemorial women have not been Able to dissuade them or make their opinions sway
For intelligence it seems was left at the door
On the road to battle which never solves anything
Except brings death and misery for those left behind
Yet in life so much more would fulfil them more
By taking care of family the environment our over pillaged planet
Enjoying their rewards by achieving this would even more inspire
Being creative caring kind
They would have achieved something nourishing
Positive differences in the world to leave behind
Let us in this very late history
Harm no one again in this time and the future
Only a paradise world to be gained
Find a better reason to feel like a true man
Drive those demons out live in peace for the first time
Throughout this chaotic troubled world
God would smile upon your good deeds and you could
Live eternally in tranquility our real home in the universe
Back in God's presence where upon where upon once we came
Yet left in haste and lived to feel the suffering and pain
Our own avarice for everything forever the blame
Copyright Natasha Anne Kelleher November 2020
All Rights Reserved Photograph No Infringement Intended
