Pretty sounding sincerest utterences easily flow Yet always I find after not so long, Disingenuous entreaties from their tongues they sow Sweetly they wax lyrical
As if a dear dear friend to me they belong Yet any pleading of their pledges
Always are swiftly gone To make them feel culpable is an impossible fete As they cannot see any wrong or errors
In the ways they act to bait Believing in their innocence however their friends they treat Their innocence they defiantly state never to defeat With a lack of time, support and giving Their selfishness knows no bounds...icily chilling Many times they are forgiven Their lack of integrity and respect duly owed Yet they repeatedly trample on goodwill without guilt or regret Leaving their victims feeling hurt and deeply upset When will time and a deep look into their conscience Show them the true way all people should be treated The same with kindness and respect No recriminations on their character In order to hold them to account Not just giving value to them By status or financial gain Only for the goodwill and honesty That I have always, to them shown Never approach me again With their self-pity and onerous ways It will fall on long deaf ears closed slowly Over the times they let me down Their ship has sailed long ago, Shipwrecked, then burned on empty lonely ground
Copyright Natasha Anne Kelleher October 2012
