Drama seeks to portray the innermost labyrinths of our hearts minds, and souls
It can demonstrate our disappointments and illustrate our goals Exhilarating to watch, fascinating to take part It reels in the introvert emphasising with its tales Letting out the extrovert on even further uncharted trails Drama dupes, drama hails, on all senses and emotions It can lead us back to a time where ghostly deja vue still eerily wails Its implications ceaselessly convey, our darkest dread or deepest wish Or a yearning to be loved and to belong Drama is the medium to which involuntarily
We are magnetized to Its enigmatic throng Over and over curious to see and hear its notions unafraid Its human perspective on universality, we all valiantly relate to
Steeping ourselves in the myriad of stories
Deep fascinating enigmatic waters,
Which we will for many many hours of our lives
Curiously deliciously intrepidly wade
Natasha Anne Kelleher Copyright 2000 All Rights Reserved
Not to be copied reproduced or published without the writer's specific permission
