The dressing room shrouds it's own interplay
A feigning disguised drama of egos to dissuade
Actors smiling sweetly to each other so their influence to sway
When backs are turned the mood transpires good will fades
Then rolling their eyes with looks that kill
Psychologically turning the knife with laughing so shrill
No comfort zone for actors ever exists only to thrill
Each and every other actor's boundaries overstepped
A sole part in drama's drama is the only behest
The whispers the stares, jealousies beware
Fake camaraderie between wizards and witches
The rumours fighting to flare and openly wear
Only their magic is black looking in the mirror constricted
See what hidden truths are reflecting back in its snare
Ambition wielding ruthlessness a selling of their souls
Cutting darkness calling all to plunge into the liars lair
The bright lights shines somewhat abruptly always corruptly
Into the star's eyes blinds them with grandiosity never salubrious
Persuades them to believe their pretentious publicity erupts
An ignoble and divisive disguise complicitly impecunious
Empty praises giving fodder to convince perpetuating the game
Deceived within the deceptive duplicity of entertainment's disguise
The business of show falls in its own bottomless abyss full of remorseless shame
Gathering moss of the loneliness of fame's prolific enduring myth's surmised
Actors take heed not to ride roughshod over your peer's career
Afterall you are all creative talented skilled and unique of thespian bliss
You will all live breath and devour imagination's divines like a literary spy's smear
With love of art as your modus operandi under that thinly veiled veneer's wish
Navigating the plays of old and a savoured time lived yet swiftly passed forever missed
Copyright All Rights Reserved Natasha Anne Kelleher 2018
