Gliding over shimmering shards of steel Whisked like magic through England's chequered fields Of lemon, green so vibrant so new Passing through the history of our hallowed, ancient land Glimpsing old churches their spires forever pointed heavenwards Reminding, instilling to keep faith in God anew Hazy sunlight through the palest water colour blue sky Sheep grazing in tendered fields as in centuries gone by Set in nature's haven some landscaped by farmers the nuturers of our land Some left wild to natures ever changing guiding hand A land where the Vikings, Romans, Kings and Queens
Have walked and hunted game
Ever inspiring the legacy of our diverse culture with unsullied pride Dotted Red bricked farmhouses their old worldiness almost beckoning Leading eyes round winding roads to villages
Set in a time of now it has forgot Trees tall proud their leaves quivering
In the late afternoon breeze Trailing branches over lakes and rivers, A promise of travel to pastures not yet seen From this magic sceptured isle Where in lies its inhabitants, rich from the nature of the land Rendering us all to be Kings and Queens of a kingdom unsurpassed We are bound heart and soul to this country Its centuries set in a cast
The legacies and traditions will forever last... and last.....
Copyright Natasha Anne Kelleher October 2012
