We all need kindness in so many different ways
Yet some receive so little
Others more during their days
The solution to this
Be helpful and kind to everyone
Even when life is busy and your time is short
We will all then feel cared and loved for
Attention doesn't have to be bought
So crucial for mental stealth
The kind deeds you show to everyone
Will return in many surprising ways
Enhancing your own health
You will feel blessed
With a sense of belonging which stays
Together with the ability to enrich your life and theirs
To make your soul shine
The way to feel purposeful
Certainly preferred over doing nothing
Which could be as bad as any crime
So rather than just satisfying your own wants and whims
The pleasure and satisfaction of
So temporary transient and fleeting
You will need to dig deeper
To find true meaning in existence
Through aiding others in your life
Will serve to garner good karma
Insuring vibrations are high and bright
Keeping selfishness and being oblivious
Ignorance of others needs at bay
So don't let yourself be
Negligent about your fellow human beings
It is the way to make our life happy and well adjusted
Alleviating stress and life's difficult challenges
Helping each other through
All of life's constant ups and downs
As well as the inevitable unavoidable imminent changes
It is the device that can change our lives
A new caring community
That by opening your hearts
Can so easily be found and universally tried
Copyright Natasha Anne Kelleher 13th November 2020
Not to be reproduced copied broadcast or performed without the specific
written of the writer.
