Warriers of strongest character and selflessness of heart
Willing every second, hour, day to live at death’s door
From loved one’s so long apart
So to guard unquestionably the freedom of land both here and far
Upholding cultures and policies the building foundations
So fragile cannot be shaken or marred.
Unknown spoken hero’s whose faces we never see
Until the ultimate price is paid
They are then made known to us, when their spirit set free
We silently, gratefully pay deepest homage yet regret for their passing
Condolences and kindness endowed on loved ones left behind
Though the sorrow over time embeds itself deeper, shared, yet grief forever amassing
Never healing a loss so poignantly sad
Searching for a reason as to why their loss the result of all that is bad
Should haunt each and every one of us, yet the world seems never to change
A gargantuan task ahead to look for solutions to stop losing our lads
Since time immemorial war sadly a part of life
Yet the consequences are of loss of every ilk
In the plight and strife to protect or take control
When are the powers that lead this human race
Going to realise and accept that it is co-exist or non-exist
Less the sheer devastation will be unimaginable
More criminal that we have seen before
Let us congregate in our minds and in our deeds
That this volatile and unpredictable thing we call war
In the ironic pursuit of peace
Should be settled with words and deeds of kindness, of wisdom, utmost diplomacy To instil a global democracy that applies to all nations, of all religions and creeds
Was this not the message of the bible to love thy neighbour and treat him as you
Would like to be treated with recognition and respect
War is the raw of evil that shall be ever paid with human life
Copyright Natasha Anne Kelleher circa 2015 All Rights Reserved
Photograph No Infringement Intended
