Sweet aroma of nature's breath
Bees fly compulsively mile upon mile
Seeking their giver's treasures
To weave syrup of honey
Among the honey combes
Encased in wax within their hives
So that we can taste their honey elixir prepared so carefully
To flavour our bread and recipes galore
So aromatic so divine
Melts on your taste buds
As god's light so sublime Honeysuckle lavender caught on light summer breeze Sounds of birds and humming among the floras
Proliferators to enliven seeds
Enabling humans to stay alive to survive and thrive Lavender sprigs of long armed purple delight Where bees throng among them Jumping from one flower to another Extracting soothing calming sheer nature's delight They are the alchemic master workers hiding in plain sight Honey tombs of nature's true might We cannot do without either For if we had to we would not Be long for our own survival
To be catapulted into extinction So have respect have care for our natural leaders Enabling our growth and our human right to survive Bless heaven and earth for Queen and worker bees For their mysterious unfolding of the magic They weave within their busy never sleeping hives....
