Iniko you are the voice of all angels The universe's call
When we hear your voice we are mesmerized To listen intently be uplifted
To a higher vibration
We all once heard and unequivocally responded to Yet somehow earthly diversions
Steered our course to a material fall All your tones and melodies
Combine into sounds ethereal
Some never heard on earth before With soul felt words of inspiration Reminding us of God's love and unconditional care You were given your unique poignant voice As a conduit through the veil
To remember where we came from
A paradise experienced yet not remembered.
Though that place we shall once again undoubtedly be
So your songs are reminding us
To enjoy every moment we are blessed Be joyous yet unselfish to everyone
As your every tone melody and lyrics denotes Emanates from another wiser world That love for one another
Is the only true key.
That unlocks the vortex
Where longed for bliss waits for every human being So thankyou for echoing your unique indescribable voice Hauntingly singing the sheer wonder of earthly and heavenly delights
Written by Poet Natasha Anne Kelleher August 2023
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