A holy modest now venerated man Thomas Beckett
Rose from humble beginnings his destiny beckoned
Through his faith ambition dedication yet his journey intrepid
Unknowing his life doomed as friend and advisor to Henry II Honoured office of Lord High Chancellor now forever indebted
In such a powerful position his ideas often radical status quo superseded
Constantly challenged this mighty force by Thomas not foreseen or reckoned
New laws to give King Henry more power thereby Church influence lessoned
Thomas's conscience and beliefs would not agree much less concede
Believing it would change the sanctity of good morals and ethics
So the Court and its officials contrived to impede his convictions unheeded
Despite Thomas's doubts and agonies deep as buried relics Challenges within his church were virulently steeped Yet he wanted to forge ahead to honour his life without restrictions Continuing the work of office with life's ever strife that bleeds Alas despite achievements with church community and court conflictions Savagely tormented evidence reaped sneaked perniciously weeded Skulduggery to bring his politically fuelled demise without restrictions His guiding light extinguished like crops dying or never seeded Then centuries later his efforts rewarded again hailed him restored
For ordination by the Church a most deserving venerable saint
Through innate agonies he bore to honour his way of life implored For the myriad of challenges in his community and religion could not taint His legacy almost forgotten and reputation by some besmirched Yet London's jubilant residents joyfully gather 900 years later To regale hail recount and pay homage to his selfless life to the Church
Demonstrated artfully in a resplendent musical play written by innovative creator
Emmeline Winterbotham entitled so aptly London's Turbulent Son
Performed in the historic costumes of Sasha Keir costumer extraordinaire
Volunteer sewers making these glorious garbs into authentic era form well done
To illustrate the important legacy of Thomas's life often of despair
Never forgotten always believed yet still by many silently bereaved
So gathered together rejoicing a spectacular display
An opulent pageantry held in within auspices of the historic Guild Hall
The past merging with now as one embracing Court life replayed
A chorus of ethereal voices will lift our thanks to the heaven and all
Thomas's words echo out to us to remind us to be kind still fervently pray
It is the glue that keeps community and culture communing without walls
To convey this brave man's sacrifices the ultimate losing of his life
I am sure in paradise he hears our praises and how we remember him
Though we our grateful to know of him although by his untimely death somewhat sad
Thomas is the anchor in our future to our history already spent
Its recurring yet ever influencing past still strong among us still
We cannot forget the traces and importance which still holds present
Such loyalty to his religion the King that he revered his presence yet hard to fill
His everlasting patriotism to the community and country
His dedication to reflective ecclesiastical life full of his trust
A superlative example to uphold any doubting questions dismissed resolutely bluntly
Triumphant is Thomas's legacy continuance of his story a documented posterity's thrust
Copyright Natasha Anne Kelleher All Rights Reserved May 2022
Photography by Natasha Anne Kelleher June 2022
