Every morning I leave my bed
To go to a vocational job
Where others fear and dare not tread
I travel to work on an almost empty bus
My face covered in a protective mask
Hiding my identity and profession
The NHS's gargantuan task
My resolve in my mind so determined Facing the life-threatening disease To protect staff whilst still Saving innocents from viral death We pray the curve in its trail is spliced Hoping to reduce mortality's last breath While all others imposed to stay at home Fearing a virus they dread and could spread To avoid families having to mourn and grieve Sadness for those who have tragically succumbed To the deadly double named virus Corona & Covid-19 We are shocked and numbed Fellow doctors and nurses tend To those who can scarcely breath We hope in our hearts that medication And God gives them their life saving reprieve The stress to staff is now showing Its slowly creeping toll On their shoulders they Feel the catastrophe's heavy woe Each night when I lay down my weary head I am thankful I have done my best Experiencing such a challenging test May God bless and rejuvenate me During my much earned sleep To rise valiantly tomorrow To face once again difficulties which in This world is now perilously steeped
Copyright Natasha Anne Kelleher May 2020
