On a Par is..... Paris
The Grand Dame of them all
Paris mon cherie
You are lover to us all
City Of Romance - we yearn to hear its call
The Champs Elysees - The Eiffel Tower
Pinnacles d'amour.... unashamedly we all adore
Coco Chanel, Toulose Leutrec
The Moulin Rouge its CanCan Dancers... how can we forget
Legends like Piaf that have no regrets
River Seine in the morning - then lit up at night
Imagine we are sailing on it, a lover in sight
The quartier La Mirais with its boutique magasins
Pâtisseries delectable food displayed in colourful array
Coffee al fresco where lovers gaze into each other's eyes
Then promenade to the Ritz
L'hotel that holds secrets
Of love's arrows and inclandestine trysts
All over the world cities change
Yet Paris stays like a constant companion
Welcoming the curious, lonely and the lost
Healing and restoring them again back to sane
Recovering them resplendently from life's hefty blame
Paris..... never fails to deliver......
A myriad of experiences setting hearts a quiver
Haute Couture Fashion feted around the globe
Excites women everywhere - teasing them, whoever they are....
To remember always.... to dare....to wear their beautiful robes
Artists still flock to the palette of the world
To dazzle, inspire and make art, our care
Whether they display their drawings dans la rue or at The Louvre
They do so with such joi di vivre and complete savoir faire
Ancient buildings sandy coloured and white When looking upon it you could still be in another century One of grandeur and political might Renaissance or Baroque no matter where you look or walk Paris... Paris.... is the city which incites us to turn curiosity's key..... Childlike a peep through the keyhole, then teasingly unlocked Where we re-connect with our feelings and once again to take stock Of lives lived, yet so much more to do, So walk to the Arch de Triumph and stand afore it and swear That Paris will have nurtured you once again and to pledge allegiance To all of its secrets and the treasures found there................
Copyright Anne Kelleher 2011
