Reflecting the Reflective is a compulsive passion
I love to pontificate about everything to curiously incessently explore
Compelled to do it as my eyes and mind just keeps pouring forth
All that I am eager to discover consider dissect and convey
A person object building politics nature in all its supreme rule of law
Then I log my musings in my poems amidst the words their stories
For others to read opening curiosity's door of glories
Writing yields a clarity to make sense of the purposes and reasons in life
Imparting this to others I hope and wonder in the midst of them
Others maybe inspired to reflect and reminisce perhaps even write
For all we have when we leave this world are our lessons learned
The sad and happy poignant memories that we made
On our minds their impressions irrefutably burned
Seeing us through this veil of physical life in which our life played
So wherever we believe we go after
When our soul from our body has been released
There will be no sadness for my soul or from the people I was fortunate to meet
As they will know life has been enjoyed sometimes wrongly hated celebrated and completed
A thankful and grateful happy farewell from the soul life
They will fervently be blessed remembered and bade a fond goodbye sigh
With love in their hearts still beating and their memories never depleted
Content their friend laid in their final peaceful eternal rest
Sure they will meet once again when their turn to join them
Once again their love and friendship they can harmoniously attest
Copyright Natasha Anne Kelleher
30th June 2020
Not to be copied published reproduced or broadcast without the specific written permission
of the writer
