Whispering rustles shake the late summer's leaves
Communicating to themselves before their light tumbling
Stirred down by whisps of imminent brisk autumn breeze
All spring and summer they displayed their array humbly
Of their wonderful shapes and vibrant greens
Dancing and shimmering in sunlight
Delightful in their natural show of what nature means
Turning yellow and brown around their edges
Soon they will wither and die yet their impression left
Helps us through bare branched winter's icicled arms
Though still their silhouette have their charcoal charms
A little sadness overcomes to know the leaves
Will fade into dust or linger into fossils
Yet remember them in cold dark days we grieve
When fire's warmth we need constantly towards it jostle
Farewell fond leaves it was marvellous to perceive
You burgeoning and growing our hearts you did steal
We will never know your secret murmurings unable to wield
Yet we thank you for the months of shading brightening delight
Upon which you annually ceaselessly blessedly bestow and sheild
Natasha Anne Kelleher August 2021 All Rights Reserved

Photograph Natasha Anne Kelleher