Snow dancing, flurrying, to Earth's Canvass A magnet for its pictures of icy art Creating special avant garde murals on landscape's heart
Frost laiden paint brush strokes blown on an artic breeze Sweeping swirling over everything en masse The terrain covered artistically then seized By season's grip of frozen winter days and nights cast Frosty tentacles of icicles long clear arrows sharp as glass
Forming haphazard lines along the eaves of houses passed
Once dark and uninviting, now look bright, Full of welcoming warmth and light, a becon in the dark Walking through the crisp shimmering snowflakes Each original, under microscopic scrutiny
Perfect in their form a magic only nature can produce
Laying out an improvised visage of a white blanket lain
Amid a myriad of unusual shapes set in frame Scattered yet formed in unusual errant ways
Creating cascades of egg white peaks of snowy mounds
Shapes for the eyes to discover then follow without sounds
Trail off in so many avenues of white laden lanes
Outlining trees, plants, houses, fences walls and hedgerows
Softening their somewhat spiky edges softness to gain
The crisp yet dampened sound of footsteps forged by every step
Gives purpose to the journey to seek the pictures unfolding
On the landscape known before yet now changed beautifully to please
Carp Diem is the mantra of these days Always to remember and wish again
The cloudy white jewels of angel's dust
Bestowed from the skies far and wide
Blessing the earth with stardust from the galaxy
Fusing the earth with the universe
Its gift to us all, the seasons to cherish
We cannot ignore their magnificent call
Nature's land is the gift to all, let's preserve it, not mar it
For the generations to come, good deeds now,
Sew the seeds of re-generation in the time of now
So the window panes and sills decorated in winter's pure hands
Water's other form by virtue of temperatures lowering
Then rising... melting the snowy milky scene
Back to colours of red, stone and green
Was it real or just a pure white virgin dream
Copyright Natasha Anne Kelleher 2012
