For all those Blessed Souls
Who valiantly live alone
In this historic era of the
World's imposed lockdown zone
When on a sunny day
The darkest thoughts slowly descends
From the recesses of our minds
Draw inner strengths from your depths
Upon which already solitude has always been
Your invisible shadow friend
Though Loneliness it does not mend
Now it's a continuation of the summation
Of life without company and a hug
TV background babbling noise flickering images
Covid deaths and repeated rising number threats
You hear voices but you feel no human interaction
Affords no respite from loneliness no retraction
Hours and days slip away in a merging
Never ending theme of
Watching reading eating drinking sleeping
Yet daring not to dream
Of a place full of life and love
A shoulder to lie or cry on when life is tough
So solitary one's keep your spirits upwards
Remembering gratitude for the hope to hold onto
For that elusive friend
To laugh cry and to love with
Yet is it only just a fairy tale
Upon which our needs
Float away on imagination's
Tantalizing yet ever receding sail
Copyright Natasha Anne Kelleher May 2020
Not to be copied or used without the writer's permission
