Sherlock of infamous Baker Street's renown
The super sleuth with Dr Watson at his side
Called to action when police force baffled
By the evil deeds of robbers killers
And those seriously deranged of mind
Digging through evidence to see crime spillers
Combing through in the light of day and dead of night
Tracing back their steps weedling out
Their ways of craftiness and carelessness
The obvious and hidden clues
Cunning like a fox
Only Sherlock can deduce
The essence of their source
To discern those who committed these heinous acts
Fathoming out the why's and wherefore's
Of the perpetrators motives grudges and greed
The purpose of their madness or revenge
Whilst all the while Moriarty is plotting to obliterate him
His megalomaniac's machiavellian insanity
His over bearing undermining brother Mycroft
His disdainful mocking of Sherlock's genius
Perhaps even autistic ways yet
He gloatingly never had anything kind to say
When exhausted retreating to his den
Mrs Hudson clucks around him like a harried hen
Serving tea and biscuits like a surrogate mother
Providing him with unnoticed yet unconditional
Love and her contribution of zen
Watson peering and worrying
Can he keep up with a mind in another sphere
That has absorbed facts statistics and information
In an ever expanding myriad of topics so revered
On a with par De Vinci, Tesler Voltaire Galileo Einstein
Their reputations you could admire never smear
They are the few that can closely compare
To his incisive lateral thinking brain
Which had the world powers flocking
For his ever curious expanding comprehensive archives
Of all that can help solve any and every crime
So the world of mystery is extremely fortunate
To have this detective's omnipotent grasp
On everything and everyone
That steps out of line
Bringing them to justice
For which their dubious decisions
Have played out behind bars
Their bad ways forever apprehended
For long lonely desperate stretches forcibly imprisoned
Copyright Natasha Anne Kelleher 26th July 2020
Not to be copied, reproduced, published or broadcast
without the writers specific written permission.
