Inspired by the Royal College of Music and the London Symphony Orchestra et al
Instrumental audible art played in unison exquisitely Through dancing dexterous fingers sounds released into the ethers Learned by practice incessantly for hours days years perfectionately Jigsaws mazes of notes beats phrases arranged in rhythms Godlike conceivers Order discovered written remembered then played magnificently Orchestral unity through musicians skills never ceases to amaze Playing melodies from music written on black staves... affect potently
Their stories silent until strummed plucked beat or clashed brilliantly phrased
Conveying melodies through timing harmonies chords tempo and strings Wind instruments air their eloquent trails aligned then to blaze
Whisked through space on invisible sails heard yet blind on charted wings
Never cloistered secluded or sequestered... audience will clap and praise
Instruments tenderly held in anticipation of musical flight Conductor arrives they stand to respect his commands
Yet to commence this audible delight Knowing arms that leads the dance of measured notes demand In ordered tones, the symbols castanets click through Harps strings pulled to release angel voices whispered dreams calmed
Heavenly music from paradise to transport from earthly domain to pursue Secrets fantasies and unknown tales of human endeavour ear's psalms
From earthly worries the ties of life severed rejuvenating your colours hue
Audience hearing their interpretations through uplifted heightened senses
Eager to be lead by a skilful pied piper unable not to follow
Brought to attention silenced then mesmerised stories inferences
To an anticipated yet expectant start transported to a leafy hallow
The notes of the symphonies written and conducted
By miracle musical geniuses feelings deep never shallow
Perpetuated aspired to then be taught his direction trusted
Imbued then porously absorbed music's food of love's arrow
Through the maestro's of the God's inspiration mustered
Ethereal musical art held by music institutions safe hallows
Conserving our history of such brilliant myriad music clusters
Alchemist composers from each era anew burgeon glades mallow
Shedding light with new interpretations for generations cultured
To be inspired by all of music's history compelled to hear and follow
To be sustained remain fresh and ever renewed to inspire perhaps for solace
Gentle sounds so flighty yet mighty so lulling and exquisite
Then charging up dark foreboding symbol drum roll crashes
Jarring the audience into their individual imaginative space explicit Into a world beyond the unknown of each listener thunderbolt flashes Stories unfolding without words in their stimulated re-active minds Notes in unison resounding emotion and vigour then fading like ember's ashes
Newfound cultural mines to stimulate hearts and souls gratefully unwind
The inner lives to trigger symphonies unfold creativity to your senses dashes Perpetuated aspired given and absorbed
Through the learned maestro's of historic music institutions
Held history of composers life's works restored and adored
From each century echoing through to the next pure restitution Each generation's takes up the custodian to burgeon The previous then present cultural identity beheld resolution Reverently bestowed upon then bequeathed merging Where in each musician musical melodies revealed
To create new symphonies from the world
Of unlimited imagination the sublime sounds peeled Music's mysterious melodious tones unfurled Evoking feelings in a myriad of instruments sighs and moans
Eager to be lead by a skilful conductor until the audience
Brought to attention then silenced unconsciously owns
Mesmerised to a silent yet eerily deafening start glorious
The notes of the symphonies written and conducted
By miracle musical geniuses rapturous erupted
Fellow writers composers and conductors
Ensure its perpetuation through each era Yet from God's eternal place to continue flutters Ensure perpetuation of music's ethereal midas ephemera Brought by angel wings upon the expectant air Searing our beings through ears to evoke feelings not hysteria Of fear pain loss confusion happiness and disarray Yet ardour love and romance trickled as nectared wisteria The elixir of the god's Immortal knowledge
Interpreted perceptions of each note the story's key
Released by plucking stringing or clashed mid air sacrileged Springs forth transporting dancing notes spree
As from a delicate ballerina's feet and toes Pirouette swirling rising landing at ears pricked carefree
To savour and absorb them into soul's open haven... never closed
Copyright Natasha Anne Kelleher 2020/21 All Rights Reserved
Thank you to Gill Wren who kindly let me display her orchestral drawing
