Rancorous outrage and conceit
Enamelled falsehoods strive to flout
Love talks obscure then displeased
Yet the alluring with sauciness wafters never declining
Demeanour feigns heedful yet haunting intrusion
Incessant embracement's outrage the minions
Scanted blunts wend and dilate
These dire mishaps incite prating unurged
Cuckold undividable though mingled so jeered
Contaminates the hazarded vile abetting
To thwart and exempt idle though contaminated blots
Spurned and confiscated statutes dispensed and ruined
Battering the compass in incessant disparagement
Wend wonderous unmingled falsehoods ungalled
From vulgar foul intrusions that conjure and loathe
Somehow some way prosperous flouting with adjudged pranks
So homage conjured detained later disposed
Smothered the barren unviolated spherical
Drudge the strumpeted to transform
Pruning ensued pinch me usurping the valuable
Trimming the conclusion already scanned
With rigorous vein yet procrastinated corruption
Seditious thoughts linger as if a wrought nailed sconce
Copyright Natasha Anne Kelleher 24th September 2022
All Rights Reserved
