The boundary between love and hate is one and the same
Its balance hangs precariously and when the scales are
tipped each other we blame
Fighting and feuding whilst serving anger to vent
causes untold mental and spiritual pain
All goodwill built up is carelessly spent
My sweet I know, and hopefully you too will understand
That whilst flirting games are fun, after a time they are pointless and bland
Guilt for hurt inflicted to maintain respectfulness it must be restricted
To repent when sorrow in haste is let loose
Redeems the perpetrators character thus creating a truce
So without further recourse let us speedily make a pact to last
That when the grip of control takes hold of hearts,
minds will step in to prevent mistakes of the past
Hurtful words and actions that through jealousy and insecurity
are carelessly in the heat of the moment imparted
Yet always deep down know they were never ever meant
Once again respect for each other prevails
Our dignity and our mutual sense of friendship is the sustanance
With all the wonderful qualities this forever without loss entails
Copyright Natasha Anne Kelleher
Not to be copied, reproduced, broadcast performed without the writer's
specific written permission
