Willowy billowing snowdrops
Bow to the earth below
Its daily sustenance never ceases atop
Growing their pearlized petals to sow
Suspended wondrously heralds in Spring
For all to see them prettily glow
Shading of green against a backdrop of lush land
Delicately drooping as soldiers watching their place
Standing proud in spring's early sight to hand
Snowdrops are flower lover's delights taste
Swaying and dancing so at ease in petulant breeze
Scattered yet in parties of so many
Each enhancing and guarding a place none can seize
In a magic garden of white light westly
Grown in winter's last dawn
Artists admire and inspired to capture
Their spirit on cavasses' sprawl
Before their brilliance and splendour fractures
In the last fading of winter's ebb
Snowdrops a symbol of hope
In life's complex yet fascinating web
Natasha Anne Kelleher February 2025
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