Capturing the Moon - (Inspired by the Documentary Being Neil Armstrong by Andrew Smith)
An intrepid journey full of anticipation by the whole of mankind
Was taken by brave and curious astronauts
Thrust heavenwards and so far beyond imagination
A disappearing earth turning so majestically round
Through the stratosphere to the planet glowing milky moon
Where now there are USA Flags planted and man's historic footprints strewn
One small step for Man one giant leap for Mankind
Spoken so eloquently by Neil Armstrong to make a step so small yet historic in its execution
Mr Armstrong your name says it all, you were the conduit
Between the miles that lay between the earth and moon
For that day for all mankind to set in motion
For anyone to be a space traveller soon
To see earth in all its glory and to feel a step closer to galaxies and infinity beyond You sacrificing the possibility of losing your life To travel to a place hitherto unknown Yet Whilst in this strange foreboding land you must have felt like you Your eyes were like the eyes of God and how he sees us every day Its truly awe inspiring almost mythical, spiritual An experience so new that you would be the first to feel You had to tell your tale of wonder and story never to be repeated or beaten To film the world suspended a globe of marvelous sights In a magnificent universe that now our satellites can picture so vividly A vista which previously thought impossible - yet perhaps in a dream
It must have been indescribable to feel like a true explorer
In a place, stark, without water and life
Yet enigmatic in its legend to mankind throughout the ages
Its symbol of love romance and an ethereal quality
Sometimes hidden but ever present
Magnetically pulling the earth and its tides to and fro
One must not forget its godly pearly effervescent glow
Remaining there in the heaven for mankind to see its omnipotent
Copyright Natasha Anne Kelleher circa 2014
