Oxytocin causes sweet bonding emotion
After the mutual fusion of bodies in writhing motion Yet beware this dophamine inducer It will leave you addicted as if a seasoned drug abuser Your need of it you will have you grasped
Within its unshakeable barbed grip Abstention of it will cause your moods to change and plummet When once again you crave to be Brought to ecstacy's highest summit Be wise with whom you connect and fuse They might not feel the same need to re-kindle or muse The euphoria so blissful
Mesmerising yet seemingly free Yet the price tag is a luxury The final payment of which you cannot forsee Though do not despair if you are
Fortunate to be one of
Two souls paths align
Meeting your true friend soulmate lover
When gelling together the oxytocin
Will together inextricably bind
In a bond as strong as diamonds
You will experience a spiritual physical natural phenomena
Sparking your hearts to sing as loud as sirens
You will feel as if your minds
Are on an adventure
To space's outer Andromeda
Every person on the planet
Has an innate yearning
To connect with a soulmate Aspiring to attain and feel
A euphoria of heaven
On earth's physical plain
Those that find this treasure
Have reached the pinnicle
Of Life's ultimate true pleasure
No money or possessions
Could ever surpass or measure
Copyright Natasha Anne Kelleher 2019
