Inspired by Julianna Lottman's Stone Painting Workshops for Children and the community
One day unexpectedly my seven year old son Alexander said to me
Mummy God is in all of our hearts... isn't he?
I was so touched he felt this
Of course I agreed with him wholeheartedly
Telling him never forget how God is your strength and hope
God is the light that keeps your heart mind and soul shining so bright
God will keep you safe and happy away from those that want to fight
Follow his path day and night whilst you are playing or learning
For sure God will keep the seed of goodness in you growing
Then your spirit within you will twinkle as any star
God will love you and is with and within you.. so so near...never far
So Let us thank God for the food we eat, the water we drink
The sun moon earth trees and rivers and beautiful flowers
For the seas oceans hills valleys and mountains
The beautiful places we want to travel and spend many hours
God thank you for our Mums and Dads who love you so much
Who work so hard to keep you safe warm and secure
So that you can shine God's light through everything you do
To be kind caring loving in our relationships with family and friends
So no bad feelings or thoughts can come through to upset or offend
So thank God we can visit him in beautiful Churches wherever they maybe
God has his house open for all his children... for that's who we are
God's miracles to create peace and harmony for all of humanity
So thank you God for this day for Julianna who shows us how
To paint upliting God's messages on stones leaving them in gardens
For everyone to discover and maybe take home
Thankyou God for loving us and brightening our lives with so many
Beautiful inspiring meaningful colourful tones
Let us remember God always and all that he has gifted
To know he his our Father who will never ever leave us
For God is the blossoming never ending Spirit Rose lifted
Copyright Natasha Anne Kelleher May 2021 All Rights Reserved
