We are all passing shadows of each other
Some we meet by chance and only once
Others opportunities galore
Yet on meeting these silhouette souls
Earthbound physically ensconced
An intangible intuition guides us
To whether we have met in another life before
So reflecting on each other's
Temporary presence in this world
Still of some we can instantly almost forget
Once the meeting has passed by
Yet others we want to renew our memories
Of our perceived beloved shadows
We seek them out again now and in past centuries
To convince us the truth of our perception
Of each other's intertwined lives
Our bodies are our temples
Wherein upon we can meet and see each other
Though when we pass
It will be our spirits that will
Mingle in the after life
Reviewing the lives we lived
Did we serve God and help each other
As much as we should if not
Another life awaits to fulfil our mission
Of learning our lessons in as fewer lives as we should
Copyright Natasha Anne Kelleher 2021 All rights reserved
