Seeing...Fully Being
So long in darkness
My eyes and mind have ever been
Then miraculously more strangely
The brilliance of light
Illuminating the revelation
Of an exhilarating sense
Of newfound sight
Blindness no longer a blight
Childlike wonder at seeing
The people always loved
Yet only ever heard
Not longingly seen
Never sharing views
Of this wonderous world
My body's ocular sense
Until now cruelly denied
Puzzling on shapes and sizes
Of everything I now encounter
To align my mind with my eyes
Where once only fingertips touched
Blindly sometimes they floundered
Yet I always believed their truth
The utter joy of a spectrum
Of colours so vivid
Evoking feelings so coy
Eyes blink swiftly to screen
Not sure still is this a ploy
Am I still forever caught
In my ever recurring
Dark non-seeing dreams
The colours others
Forever described
I see told so drably inadequately
They could never have contrived
My sight now overcomes me
With such emotive bliss
That now and forever I can watch and savour
My beloved ones
Sharing the sights treasures and wonders
Of a world now so new
In an ever grateful state
Of awe and thankfulness I never believed
In a million years
Would ever be granted and true
Copyright Natasha Anne Kelleher April 2019
