World in tumultuous ever changing turmoil
Yet most long to thrive and survive in peace
While houses and businesses burn to ashes in the soil
No culpability by governments can be found
Babies vaccinated from first day of birth
What is this madness that consumes this earth
When we look at nature in its abundance
Of beauty and medicines to cure
Yet pharmaceutical companies produce not incumbent
Making chemicals earning trillions they have doctors in their lure
Of what better medicines need to be made
To help people be healthy from their core
Not just to mask symptoms upon the sick prayed
To placate us whilst charging us too far
People in so many ways have believed in governments
Yet now we are all being awakened never to fall back
To conceding in our waking dangerous sleep a covenant
To search for better healthier ideas to avoid systematic lack
Supporting each other again in kinder helpful ways
Finding avenues to extricate mankind from the enslavement grid
Turn back to mother earth with her strong nurturing stays
To sustain us organically in a new world of peace and harmony's bid
Where transparency for all brings back fairness and justice for all
We will be awakened to our souls swiftly when the tables turn
All the tragedies which have been so utterly destructive
Though renews us to our spiritual light that ever burns
Call the light of God now shining so bright ever constructive
Burning out out the darkness's work battling its last evil fight
God return us to our beautiful and ever giving land
You created for us here on earth overcoming obstacles despite
Reminding us of where once again we return to a place forever planned
When we alight from our mortal coil gladly to heavenly respite
To return to heaven's reward and tranquillity's ever loving hand
From learning life's lessons through some long and lonely nights
To restore us to our creator more enlightened
Our spirits will be soothed and live in peace in eternity's sights
Natasha Anne Kelleher January 2025
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