Amid the deafening silence of solitary evening unceasing
Heart beats heavy and uneven
Wanting to lose errant thoughts releasing
In letters words and verses to lose one's mind to believe in
Forget worries distract in chatter's imagination
Away from the challenges unceasing
Of human survival's constant curse pleading cessation
Which envelops and extracts so much time so fleeting
From creative life's full purse so full of unencumbered elation
Yet even that this veil descends over waking conscientiousness
Still birthing ideas emerging from the subtext of feeling's creations
Usually hidden from others earnest ears and prying eyes
Wearing false masks that melt and crack like crisp ice notations
Shatters to shards thus hides anxieties we ever fear not wise
Lose thoughts in a vortex of sentences engraved with life's cravings
Freeing spirit from dark days shrouding air seeking freedom's elusive prize
Like a falling feather undulating on a wayward breeze waverings
Seizing language into literature demonstrating how human life can suffer
Yet sometimes gratefully reconceived reborn then with hope not bereaved
Copyright Natasha Anne Kelleher written18th July 2023
Image No Infringement intended
